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What Happens When You Date Your Friend

In this section, we will explore the topic of dating your friend. We will discuss what it means to date your friend and the pros and cons of doing so.

You might find yourself in a situation where you are interested in someone who is also friends with you. You are not sure if you should take the risk to date them or not. You might be worried that things could get complicated or awkward between the two of you. But when it comes down to it, there are many benefits to dating a friend as well as some drawbacks.

Reasons Why Friendships Can Become Romances

It is important to note that Friendships can become romances, but it doesn't always happen. There are many reasons why a friendship could turn into a romance. Some of the possible reasons for this include:

One's sexual orientation can change and make one fall in love with the person they already have an established friendship. One example is if a person who used to identify as gay falls in love with their straight friend.

Friends with benefits can sometimes turn into something more serious and someone may feel more in love with the person as they get to know their personality better.

When there is no set history between two people, it can be difficult to know how to react. Some people might see a different side of the person they're meeting, while the other person might feel romantic feelings before getting to know them well enough.

How Friendships Turn Into Love Stories

People often wonder how they can turn their friendship into a romance. It is not an easy task to accomplish, but if you can find that special someone, then it is worth the risk.

When people become romantically involved with their friends and lose their platonic friendship, it can be difficult because they will never be more than friends. It is important to lay out boundaries and limit contact between the two once these feelings develop, as this prevents any future broken friendships.

Friendships can turn into love relationships when you make the conscious decision to pursue a new romance with that special someone who's always been there for you.

A third way is when people have already given up on the person they're currently with and are on the hunt for someone better. But when they happen to stumble upon each other, they realize that this may not be as bad as what they've been dealing with. So they decide to try out whether it will lead to more.

The fourth way it can happen is when a person is unlucky enough to find another person first, but is too busy for a diversion and thus chooses to ignore them.

5 Ways Friends Who Hook Up Make It Work

Some people are friends with benefits. They are the best of both worlds and they know how to keep it all in the friend zone.

1. The friends who hook up make it work by being honest with their feelings. They don't try to hide the fact that they want more than friendship, but they also don't pressure their friend into anything. They just let them know and then let them decide if they want to go for it or not.

2. Friends who hook up make it work by not letting sex get in the way of their friendship. Sex is a big deal, and can change everything between two people, but these friends know how to keep things lighthearted and fun while still being intimate with one another when they choose to be together sexually.

3. Friends who hook up know how to make commitments and go for them. They are not afraid of being vulnerable and doing something new with a friend.

4. Friends who hook up don't let heartbreak ruin their friendship because they know that sometimes things just don't work out. With that said, they both can be friends again if it's over, but one of them is going to have to be the one who backs out of the relationship.

5. Friends know that both people in a relationship should contribute equally to it, and are respectful of what the other person wants. They don't try to "one up" their partner or make them feel insecure, but they also don't do things like cheat on their partner either.

Should You Date Your Friends?

There are many benefits to dating your friends. However, it is not always the best idea.

The best way to find out if this is a good idea for you is to talk with your friends and decide together.

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